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  • CordaidRabobank
  • The Asia Foundation
17/02/2014 17:27:59 PM


(Views: 2307)

Stichting (foundation) Cordaid is one of the largest development organizations in the Netherlands and has a network of 634 partner organizations in more than thirty countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.

During 2010-2013, Cordaid supports M7 Network and CFRC through the project "Support M7 in organization development and   expanding the coverage of Microfinance and Micro-insurance services". The project focuses on capacity building, coverage expansion, development of Mutual Microinsurance (M7MPA) and policy advocacy.

Thanks to Cordaid's grant, the Network was able to strengthen its organization and operation, as well as reach out to more poor women. Cordaid also offers a soft loan to M7-Dong Trieu and M7-Mai Son.
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