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04/08/2015 15:39:00 PM

Canadian Cooperatives Association (CCA)

(Views: 2465)

The Canadian Co-operative Association is a national association for co-operatives in Canada, representing more than nine million co-operative and credit union members from over 2,000 organizations.  Individual co-op members are represented by CCA either directly through their co-operative, through their provincial co-op associations or credit union central, or through sectoral organizations.  CCA is itself a federally-incorporated co-operative, owned by its member organizations

come from many sectors of the economy, including finance, insurance, agri-food and supply, wholesale and retail, housing, health and the service sector.

CCA's mission is three-fold. It

  • Promotes the co-operative model and profiles the economic and social contributions of co-operatives and credit unions;
  • Develops co-operatives in Canada, and in over 40 countries, by securing an enabling and supportive legislative environment, and by securing or providing technical and financial resources to help emerging co-operatives; and
  • Unites co-operatives from different industry sectors and regions of Canada around a common co-operative identity, a common sense of purpose, and a common voice to government.

During the period 2012 - 2015, CFRC together with TYM and MACDI (Vietnam) cooperate to implement "
Sustainable Livelihoods for women in North Vietnam".

The project aims to enable socio-economically disadvantaged women and men in Vietnam to 
participate and benefit from the rapid economic growth of the country. It will achieve this goal by strengthening the business development support capabilities of microfinance institutions that are actively engaged in promoting the start up, improvement and expansion of MSMEs of more than 100,000 poor but enterprising women and men

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