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29/01/2013 23:42:10 PM

Growing with M7MPA

(Views: 2543)

In December 2008, Uong Bi was the first branch to receive Risk management and insurance training from CFRC to enhance capacity for the staff of Uong Bi Women development encouragement Fund (UBWDEF).

Understanding micro-insurance, UBWDEF highly appreciated the benefits that it might bring to members as well as the fund. At the conference after the training class to exchange and adjust teaching resource, officers participating in the class actively shared experiences and amend training resource to have a suitable kit for the region and prepare for training for all customers of UBWDEF. Afrer working with CFRC, the fund made a detailed plan for finance training and product promotion to each member.

It is extremely difficult for 15 core trainers to train nearly 7,000 members in a month. The success of finance training and product promotion hinges on the trainers. Acknowledging that center chiefs are close to members and most convenient in approaching members, the fund leaders decided that they could be useful to assist promoting M7-MPA insurance products.  Thus, a guide training class was organized with technical assistance of CFRC for transaction offices’ staff and center chiefs. At the end, 39 guides were trained, out of which, 18 were centre chiefs. In order to start implementing the new product in September 2009, the fund initially conducted training about insurance for 20 people in 136/136 centers.

Uong Bi is an industrial region, most of the members must go to work in the day time, thus, training class must be held in the evening, which caused lots of difficulties to trainers and guides. At first, trainers were quite nervous as to whether they were able to great amount of knowledge in a short time. Or would they get support from local authorities? Could they complete all the tasks given?... But everything turned out to be good. They were not supported by local authorities but also by members. Many members saw that MPA product would bring them the benefits they, as poor people, have never received.

Until October 2009, all members of the fund were trained about microinsurance. Hopefully, with their diligence and dedication to the organization, and especially to protect the rights of members, UBWDEF’s staff will succeed in calling for more members to join M7MPA.